شکوه شادي

شاد بودن هنر است شاد کردن هنري والاتر

ليک هرگز مپسنديم به خويش كه چو يک شکلک بي جان

شب و روز بي خبر از همه خندان باشيم.......

امروز را درياب که اين زندگيست و جوهر حيات

در طول مدت زمان کوتاه آن.....

تمامي واقييتهاي زندگي ما گنجانده شده است

موهبت رشد

شکوه جنبش و جلال و زيبايي

آري ديروز جز خاطره اي بيش نيست و فردا فقط يک روياست

اگر امروز را خوب زندگي کني

تمام ديروزهايت به خاطره خوش و تمام فرداهايت

به روياي اميد تبديل خواهد شد

امروز را خوب درياب

امروز سر آغاز طلوع است

از ريل خارج شده

سلامي دوباره،
يک هفته اي هست که نتوانستم به بلاگم سري بزنم! ديشب از تنهايي دلم گرفته بود. خلاصه هوايي شده بودم که فيلمي ببينم. از بينشان "از ريل خارج شده" را انتخاب کردم. فيلم عجيبي بود... من را تا آخرش متحير نگه داشت. فيلم اثر مايکل هفسترم توليد سال 2005 و از بازيکنان اصلي اين اثر مي توان به کليو اَُون، جنيفر انيستون و وينسنت کسل اشاره کرد. اگر امکانش را پيدا کردي حتما اين فيلم را ببين. اين اثر زبان انتقاديست نسبت به خيانت، ترس و نفرت. نگاه اميد، ايمان و عشق را مي توان تا آخرين لحظه ها، در اوج نفرت و غم يافت. کاري پر از نکته، عبرت ... براي بسياري و زيباترين صحنه ها را در کمال ناباوري روياروي شدن. ساختار فيلم در آشنايي به ظاهراتفاقي زن و مردي در مسير ترن که باني بسياري رويدادهاي زندگي او مي شود...
تا فرصتي ديگر بدرود.

پرهاي زمزمه

مانده تا برف زمين آب شود.
مانده تا بسته شود اين همه نيلوفر وارونه چتر.
ناتمام است درخت.
زير برف است تمناي شنا كردن كاغذ در باد
و فروغ تر چشم حشرات
و طلوع سر غوك از افق درك حيات.

مانده تا سيني ما پر شود از صحبت سنبوسه و عيد.
در هوايي كه نه افزايش يك ساقه طنيني دارد
و نه آواز پري مي رسد از روزن منظومه برف
تشنه زمزمه ام.
مانده تا مرغ سرچينه هذياني اسفند صدا بردارد.
پس چه بايد بكنم
من كه در لخت ترين موسم بي چهچه سال
تشنه زمزمه ام؟

بهتر آن است كه برخيزيم
رنگ را بردارم
روي تنهايي خود نقشه مرغي بكشم.

سهراب سپهري

Microsoft shuts down Windows 98

Microsoft is urging an estimated 70 million users of Windows 98 to upgrade as it ends support for the software.
From 11 July, Microsoft will no longer help users over the phone with any problems they have with the ageing operating system. The firm will also stop providing security updates for Windows 98 from the same date. Support for the software was originally due to end in 2003, but was extended following customer protests.
Shutting down
Products affected by closing down the support system include Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Me (Millennium Edition). Analyst firm IDC believes that more than 70 million users will be hit by the change. The majority of these people are likely to be using the operating system at home, as by now most large businesses have phased out machines running the software. Many small firms are also believed to be users of the product. Microsoft ended free support for this trio of products in late 2003 but continued to offer paid support and provide critical security updates. This too will now stop.
The change means that those still using Windows 98 and Me after 11 July could become more vulnerable to many security risks, as bug fixes for loopholes exploited by hackers will no longer become available. In a statement Microsoft said it was "ending support for these products because they are outdated and these older operating systems can expose customers to security risks".
Mikko Hyponnen from Finnish security firm F-Secure said that it was still providing updates for Windows 98 users who run its anti-virus package. "In fact, 98 users are not at that great a risk as people might think: most of the new malware we see simply won't run there," he said. "Nevertheless, if you want to be safe with 98: don't go online. Or upgrade to something that is supported with security patches," he added. According to computer security firm Secure Science, at least one hi-tech crime gang based in Eastern Europe specialises in Windows 98 and produces viruses that prey on the software's weaknesses.
This is because users of it tend to have little knowledge of potential dangers - and are older, so are more likely to have substantial financial assets worth stealing. Users of Windows 98 who have problems with the software may find an answer to their query themselves by hunting through the support information collected on the Microsoft website. The software giant said this data will be kept live until "at least 11 July 2007". It urged users to upgrade to a more secure operating system, such as Windows XP, as soon as possible.
This could mean buying a new PC for those running a machine bought eight years ago with Windows 98 pre-installed. This is because the hardware specifications for Windows 98 fall far short of the minimum required to run Windows XP. It may also mean they have to replace or update any peripherals they use with that ageing machine. The turn off for Windows 98 was originally due to fall in late 2003. However, protests from many developing regions of the world where, at that time, the software was widely used prompted Microsoft to reverse its decision.
By Mark Ward
Technology correspondent, BBC News website
Who is responsible for pressure of hunger all around the world?!

Try just to take a minute and think about it...
Is it a fair ending for a legend of France, Captain Zizou?!

I still need time to know why this happened?!!!!

(Something will be posted here soon.)

After all those efforts why the ending should be like this!!!!!!!!
Germans finally made a third place in the World cup '06

There will be a short response regarding to GER-POR game posted in here.

Just in nut shell: Great game... awsome competition... friendly behavior...
در گذر زمان

با درودي گرم،
امروز هم يک روز ديگه از روزهاي خداست! اولش که به گذران لحظات فکر مي کني، بي آنکه داني چگونه آنها را به دست صاحب دقايق مي سپاري، بي ملاحظه از کنارشان مي گذري! اما فردايي مي آيد که مايه حسرت خوردن اين از دست رفته هاست. پس بيا و با شتاب به چالش با اين يغماگر تاريخ برآي و از گذر اين عمر، کمال استفاده را ببر. شايد که نويدبخش رسيدن به آمال دست نيافته باشد.

Unfair loss....

You go all the way to the end with an optimistic expectation and just in last couple of minute you face with an absolute opposite result which you never think of... Why... Why... Why!!!